Benefits of taking Rest Days
Rest days are just as important as exercise. In fact, a successful fitness regimen isn’t complete without rest days. Rest Days give the body a chance to repair and recover, and help to prevent injury.
Here are the benefits of having a rest day.
Prevents muscle fatigue. Exercise depletes your muscles’ glycogen levels. If these stores aren’t replaced, you’ll experience muscle fatigue and soreness. That’s why you need to take a break to help repair and refuel the muscles that were broken down during exercise.
Reduces risk of injury. Overexercising puts repetitive stress and strain on the muscles, increasing the risk of injury. That’s why you need to plan out your rest day to avoid this to happen.
Allows time for recovery. Allows your body to consolidate the hard work you've been doing. Muscles recover, adapt and become stronger and your nervous system has a chance to regenerate.
Allowing the mind to rest. Aside from your body, over-exercising can also make your mind tired. Tiredness can lead to poor decision making during a workout routine and can decrease your motivation.
Improves performance. When you have a day off, it allows the muscle to restore its levels of glycogen so the next time you go out the muscle has energy to work and improves your performance.